facilities & service / Solna
At Biz Apartment Solna, we offer you a hotel stay where you can feel right at home. Some of the facilities you can enjoy with us are:
Parking Possibilities
Bringing a car? No problem, at Biz Apartment Solna we have both garage as well as outdoor spaces. Talk to reception on arrival, or secure your spot when speaking to our central reservations department.
Proximity to what you need
At Biz Apartment Solna, you'll be conveniently located near all your essentials. Whether you're grocery shopping at ICA, exploring Mall of Scandinavia, or heading into Stockholm City via the metro, everything you need is just around the corner from the hotel!
Laundry facilities
Need to wash clothes? We offer fully equipped laundry rooms with both washing machines and tumble dryers. Simply schedule your appointment at the reception for a small fee.
Featured Tips & Experiences around Solna
In Solna, discover Scandinavia's largest mall, as well as the Hagaparken – referred to as Stockholm's Central Park – and the residence of the crown princess. Explore our guide below for more.
Friends Arena
Friends Arena is an indoor arena with an openable roof, which allows them to have concerts, sporting events and shows all year round, regardless of the weather. This means that Sweden finally has an arena where you can play football on natural grass in the middle of winter and host world artists with really big concert productions all year round. The openable roof consists of two roof tiles measuring 3,750 sqm each, representing a total of six normal-sized villa gardens.
Read more about Friends Arena and their current events at friendsarena.se